Jokers and Marbles Game Rules
Set up: The game setup consists of:
- Either 2 (for four player) or 3 couples/partners (for 6 player)
- 2 decks (or 3 decks if preferred) of regular playing cards with Jokers included.
- 5 marbles of the same color for each player
Game play:
- Partners sit across from each other.
- Cards are shuffled and dealt until each player has 5 cards.
- Each player starts with their 5 marbles in their ‘starting’ position (the five holes in the center of row above the red marble hole).
- The objective of the game is to be the first couple/team to have each partner have all 5 marbles moved from the starting position to the home position, fully aligned. See pic at bottom of page for starting and home spot info.
- Marbles are moved by placing a card down and moving the number of spots indicated by the card. Once a player removes their hand from a card, the card is considered played. “A card laid is a card played”. If a player has not removed his/her hand from the card, the card can still be picked back up. See below for number of spaces assigned to each card.
- All played cards remain in a discard pile in front of player until time for reshuffle.
- After a player plays their card, they draw a new card to from the active play deck. All players keep 5 cards in their hand. If a player forgets to draw, the player waits until after playing their next card to pull two cards.
- Once a player moves all his/her marbles into their finishing position, fully aligned, the player starts moving the marbles of their partner. A seven can be split between a player’s marble and their partner’s marble on the last marble of the player.
- Talking across the table to your partner with instructions or hints is not allowed, except when playing a ‘teaching/training” game where all partners agree before the game to allow it.
Card\space assignment – Texas version of rules
Coming out of starting position onto starting spot:
- Face card (Jack, Queen, King) or Ace; must play one of these cards to bring marble out of starting position.
Regular marble movement:
- Face cards (Jack, Queen, King) can be used to move marble 10 spaces.
- Ace: Can used to move marble 1 or 11 spaces
- Sevens: can be split between two of a player’s marbles (of the same color) in play on the board or used to move one marble 7 spaces. One nuance of this rule is that when a player is moving their LAST marble into home/finishing spot, on that turn, the 7 can be split between the player’s marble and one of their partner’s marbles. (So in this case, two different colored marbles are moved)
- Eights: can ONLY be used to move ONE marble backward 8 spaces.
- Joker: Can be used to take any one of your marbles (in starting position or in play) and place it on any other marble on the board that is in play. If you place it on your partner’s marble is sends them to the yellow space to go into their finishing position. If you place it on any other marble it sends that marble back to the starting position for that player.
- All other cards: Move the marble forward the numbers of spaces on the card. Ex. A three of clubs moves a marble 3 spots forward.
- If a player has no card that will actively play, they will discard one of their cards and pull from the game play deck pile.
- If you land on a competitor’s marble, that marble will go back to their starting position. If you land on your partner, that marble goes on the their yellow spot below their finishing position.
Summary of moves for each marble: (see section above for more detail)
- Ace moves forward one hole or eleven holes. (Can also be used to come out)
- 2 moves forward two holes
- 3 moves forward three holes
- 4 moves forward four holes
- 5 moves forward five holes
- 6 moves forward six holes
- 7 moves forward seven holes, but can be split between two marbles of the same* color. (*Can move partners marble if player completes his/her marbles on first move of the split)
- 8 moves BACKWARD eight holes
- 9 moves forward nine holes
- 10 moves forward ten holes
- Jack moves forward ten holes (Can also be used to come out)
- Queen moves forward ten holes (Can also be used to come out)
- King moves forward ten holes (Can also be used to come out)
- Joker is a wild card and replaces any other marble in play with your own marble. If you replace your partners marble, he/her goes to his IN SPOT. If you replace an opponents marble, he/her returns to his HOME position.
Rules Origin and Variations
Rules above are based on rules used for play since the late 80s or so in Texas. These rules are similar to the rules posted in a web archive from 2011 in a version of the game that used pegs instead of marbles (hence that game was called name Pegs and Jokers).
There can be various rule variations of the base rules outlined above. As long as all rules are clearly agreed upon before game play starts, variations are allowed for game play. When in question, all rules must be agreed upon before play begins.
Over the years, the rules and even the name of the game (depending on what is being used in game play) have sprouted a good number of variations. Some of the variations tend to be related to a state or what rules are used in retail versions of the game.
The rules outlined on this site are the default rules in the vast majority of tournaments and official game play.
Variations of these rules are sometimes used to make the game shorter or when beginners are playing to make the game easier/less strategic.
Tournament play
Tournaments traditionally use the base\Texas rules above without variations. Rules are closely followed in tournaments to allow for fair play for all teams.
Marble play: